the crushin it story
An attorney by trade, Alexander Bachuwa started crushin IT, a digital marketing agency, to help grow his legal practice. Alexander saw potential in online marketing but was overwhelmed by both the endless acronyms of services and exorbitant prices:
PPC, PHP, SEO? $500, $1000, $5000? To combat the craziness, Alexander became certified in Google AdWords, partnered with a top-end web development firm, and mastered the nuances of social media marketing. Today, crushin IT helps like-minded professionals grow their own businesses without bankrupting the budget.
Whether you are a lawyer looking to hang the digital shingle or a small business looking to hop on the cloud, implementing crushin IT's innovative digital media strategy will help your business transition from a brick and mortar operation to a robust online platform.

Google AdWords Certified
Manageable. Affordable. Verifiable.

Website Development
Modernized. Customized. Monetized.

social media strategy
Tangible. Marketable. Recognizable.